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    Derek Jarman

    £22.50 £25.00
    This book gives detailed and original critical readings of all eleven of Derek Jarman's feature-length films, arguing that he occupies a major and influential place in European and world cinema rather than merely being a cult figure within a particular subculture. -- .

    Discovering Gilgamesh: Geology, Narrative and the Historical Sublime in Victorian Culture

    £76.50 £85.00
    Details the discovery of The epic of Gilgamesh, and explores the broader tensions concerning history and time that it highlighted in Victorian culture -- .

    Domestic Life and Domestic Tragedy in Early Modern England: The Material Life of the Household

    £72.00 £80.00
    This book considers a range of printed and documentary evidence, the majority previously unpublished, for the way ordinary individuals thought about their houses and households; and it then explores how writers of domestic tragedies engaged those attitudes to shape their representations of domesticity. -- .

    English Manor C.1200-C.1500

    £17.99 £19.99
    This book provides a comprehensive introduction and essential guide to one of the most important institutions in medieval England and to its substantial archive. This is the first book to offer a detailed explanation of the form, structure and evolution of the manor and its records. -- .

    Graham Swift

    £17.99 £19.99
    This book offers a comprehensive introduction to Booker Prize-winning novelist Graham Swift. Detailed analysis of his work provides an informative, lucid and accessible insight into the writing of one of Britain's most significant contemporary authors. -- .

    Historian's Craft

    £13.49 £14.99
    This work, by the co-founder of the "Annales School" deals with the uses and methods of history. It is useful for students of history, teachers of historiography and all those interested in the writings of the Annales school.

    Mark Z. Danielewski

    £17.99 £19.99
    This is the first major study of Mark Z. Danielewski, an emerging, innovative American novelist and a key figure in contemporary literature. It situates his three novels to date in their literary and cultural context, in the process demonstrating why he is such an important and ground-breaking writer. -- .

    Medieval Law in Context: The Growth of Legal Consciousness from Magna Carta to the Peasants' Revolt

    £17.99 £19.99
    This is an examination of how medieval people at all social levels thought about law, justice and politics, as well as their role in society. The author provides a history of judicial developments in the 13th and 14th centuries and considers the intellectual history in the period.


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