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    Little Toller Books

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    On the Marshes: A journey into England's waterlands

    £9.00 £10.00
    On the Marshes is Carol Donaldson's extraordinary evocation of the north Kentish marshes, told through a long walk taken across this liminal landscape, in search of the people and wildlife that make this unusual landscape their home.

    Orison for a Curlew: In Search of a Bird on the Edge of Extinction

    £9.00 £10.00
    The paperback edition of Horatio Clare's search for the western world's rarest bird, the Slender-billed Curlew, through a fractured Europe and the Middle East.

    Pattern Under the Plough

    £13.50 £15.00
    Pioneering book of oral history, The Pattern Under the Plough shows that even in modern societies, governed by science and technology, there are still traces of a civilisation whose beliefs were bound to the soil and whose reliance on the seasons was a matter of life or death.


    £14.40 £16.00
    This book tells the story of Quinlivan's Anglo-Asian family whose extraordinary mythology haunts her own sense of time and place over the course of ten years and seven house moves through England, finally settling in rural Devon with a young family of her own.


    £10.80 £12.00
    Like the six sides of a snowflake, the book has six chapters which explore the art, literature and science of snow, as well as Marcus Sedgwick's own experiences and memories.

    Something of his Art: Walking to Lubeck with J. S. Bach

    £9.00 £10.00
    In the winter of 1705 the young Johann Sebastian Bach, then unknown as a composer, set off on a long journey by foot to Lubeck, a distance of more than 250 miles. This journey was a pivotal point in the life of the great composer. In Something of his Art, Horatio Clare follows in his footsteps.

    South Country

    £13.50 £15.00
    Acutely sensitive to rhythms of the countryside, Edward Thomas's lyrical, passionate, and sometimes political writing merges natural history with folk culture, and gives us a free-form record of the feelings and observations of one of the great poets of the English language. First published 1909 by J.M. Dent & Sons

    Through The Woods: H E Bates

    £12.60 £14.00
    Set in Kent, the author returns to those trees of his youth to breath life into the changing character of a single woodland year. He reveals how precious they are to the English countryside.

    Little Toller Books

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