This book will strengthen your research practice and help build a culture of research across your school. Whether you are a class teacher or school leader, you will be guided to use the power of research to strengthen practice in yourself and others.
Following the resounding success of Tom Sherrington's Rosenshine's Principles in Action, The Workbook seeks to further this engagement by providing a thought-provoking and reflective guide designed to encourage teachers in all settings to become self-aware practitioners.
With an astute examination of practice in schools, Claire Hill and Kat Howard take a thoughtful and strategic view of how to ensure a sense of connection and cohesion within schools, to ensure that all feel part of the collective curricular journey towards a gold standard.
In this follow-up to the groundbreaking Teaching WalkThrus Vol 1, Tom Sherrington and Oliver Caviglioli team up with 10 experienced educators to present 50 new WalkThrus, covering key areas of teaching: behaviour and relationships; curriculum planning; explaining and modelling; questioning and feedback; practice and retrieval; and Mode B teaching.