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    Slightly Awesome Teacher

    £15.30 £17.00
    Most books on teaching ask teachers to be inspirational, to operate at 100 miles an hour with creativity oozing out of every pore. Dominic Salles says that's unsustainable. But you can get brilliant results using some simple practices taken from the myriad of educational research on classroom practices.

    Talk for Teaching: Rethinking Professional Development in Schools

    £13.05 £14.50
    Paul Garvey uses his experience as a teacher, inspector and a National Strategies consultant to advise educators and schools on how his Talk For Teaching method can help them take control of their Professional Development - without it increasing costs or taking up valuable lesson time.

    Teacher Self-Supervision: Why Teacher Evaluation Has Failed and What We Can Do About it

    £13.95 £15.50
    Many, perhaps even most, schools are not reaching their potential to be places of collective learning. The authors believe that one of the greatest impediments to realizing this vision is the deleterious effect of traditional systems of teacher evaluation. Rather than infantilizing teachers, we need to empower them. This book shows educators how.

    Teaching for Character

    £9.45 £10.50
    The Invisible Curriculum series helps teachers discover the secret ingredients that really unlock a child's learning potential. Teaching for Character offers practical advice to help encourage grit and determination in children - important foundations in any future success in or out of school.

    Teaching for Creativity

    £9.45 £10.50
    The Invisible Curriculum Series gives teachers the secret ingredients to unlock the full potential of children's learning abilities. Too often in formal schooling, creativity and curiosity are taught out of children. Teaching for Creativity offers practical advice on how to ensure that this does not happen.

    Teaching for Motivation

    £9.45 £10.50
    The Invisible Curriculum series gives teachers the secret ingredients that can fully unlock a child's learning potential. In Teaching for Motivation, Andrew Hammond proves that identifying a child's motivational needs and wants is key to powerful learning.

    Teaching Walkthrus: Visual step-by-step guides to essential teaching techniques

    £13.05 £14.50
    Tom Sherrington and Oliver Caviglioli team up to present 50 essential teaching techniques, each with five clear and concise illustrations and explanations. It forms a truly unique repository of key teaching methods, valuable to any classroom practitioner in any setting.

    Thirty Years War: My Life Reporting on Education

    £13.05 £14.50
    Richard Garner has spent 36 years reporting on education, working for the Times Educational Supplement, The Mirror, and The Independent. In The Thirty Years War, he retraces the steps of his career, examining the policies, personalities, success.


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