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    Introduction to Sports Coaching: Connecting Theory to Practice 2ed

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    ISBN: 9780415694919
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    Pub Date04/03/2013
    Publisher: TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD
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    DepartmentFaculty of Science, Engineering and Social Science
    This text explains sport; science medicine, pedagogy, development, psychology, physiology and much more from a dedicated coaching perspective. Case studies and real life coaching examples are used to demonstrate theory in practice.

    An Introduction to Sports Coaching provides students with an accessible and engaging guide to the scientific, social scientific, medical and pedagogical theory that underlies the practice of quality sports coaching. Now in a fully updated and revised second edition, it introduces students to the complex, messy, multi-faceted nature of coaching, and explores the full range of 'knowledges' which inform all successful coaching practice. Written by a team of leading international sports coaching academics and practitioners, as well as sport scientists and social scientists, the book provides a concise guide to every key theme in sports coaching, including: * Reflective practice * Pedagogy * Skill acquisition * Psychology * Biomechanics * Physiology * Sport medicine and injury * Performance analysis * Sociology * History * Philosophy * Sport development Each chapter makes a clear link between theory and practice, and includes discussion of real-life coaching scenarios and insights from practising international and club coaches.
    The book includes clear definitions of important themes and concepts, as well as seminar and review questions in each chapter designed to confirm understanding and encourage further enquiry. No other introductory textbook explains the importance of an holistic approach to sports coaching practice. This is an essential companion to any sports coaching course.