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    Introducing Disability Studies

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    ISBN: 9781588268914
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    AuthorBerger, Ronald J.
    Pub Date04/01/2013
    Publisher: Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc
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    Ronald Berger provides students with a comprehensive, accessible introduction to the key themes and controversies in disability studies. Illustrating the profound consequences of differing conceptions of physical, sensory, and cognitive impairments, Berger provides a solid foundation for making sense of disability as a social phenomenon.

    Ronald Berger provides students with a comprehensive, accessible introduction to the key themes and controversies in disability studies. This innovative textbook:

    provides historical context, from ancient times to the present
    traces disability's impact throughout the life course
    gives prominence to the voices of people with disabilities
    explores popular culture's role in distorting ideas about disability
    addresses emerging ethical issues, such as the implications of genetic selection

    Illustrating the profound consequences of differing conceptions of physical, sensory, and cognitive impairments, Berger provides a solid foundation for making sense of disability as a social phenomenon.