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    Instant Notes in Biochemistry 3ed

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    ISBN: 9780415608459
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    AuthorHAMES, D ET AL
    Pub Date31/03/2011
    Publisher: TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD
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    Availability: Available for despatch from the bookshop in 48 hours
    BIOS Instant Notes in Biochemistry, 4th edition, continues the tradition of previous editions in being an effective learning resource for students. Terminology, protein structure, protein function, studying proteins, and PCR-related technology have been updated but as with previous editions, the focus is to clearly and concisely present only essential topics.

    BIOS Instant Notes in Biochemistry, Fourth Edition, is the perfect text for undergraduates looking for a concise introduction to the subject, or a study guide to use before examinations. Each topic begins with a summary of essential facts-an ideal revision checklist-followed by a description of the subject that focuses on core information, with clear, simple diagrams that are easy for students to understand and recall in essays and exams. BIOS Instant Notes in Biochemistry, Fourth Edition, is fully up-to-date and covers: *Cells *Amino acids and proteins *Studying proteins *Enzymes *Membranes and cell signalling *DNA structure and replication *RNA synthesis and processing *Protein synthesis *Recombinant DNA technology *Carbohydrate metabolism *Lipid metabolism *Respiration and energy *Nitrogen metabolism