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    In the Field

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    ISBN: 9781910369173
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    AuthorLoncraine, Jesse
    Pub Date02/05/2017
    Publisher: Blue Mark Books
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    Journalist Orin Perth disappears in the field somewhere in East Africa having delivered a powerful article on Christine, whose son Paul is snatched by the militia operating there. This powerful debut novel explores the ethical dilemmas of conflict reporting, seen through the complex and compelling relationships between two mothers and their sons.

    Journalist Orin Perth disappears somewhere in East Africa after delivering a powerful article on Christine Lokeka whose son Paul has been snatched by the militia that raided her village. Orin's mother Liz, herself a retired reporter, is determined to find her son. Heedless of her battle with cancer, she heads into the field in search of him. As Liz and Christine deal with their sons' disappearances in their own very different ways, Orin and Paul struggle to stay alive without losing their humanity in the process. This thrilling debut novel grapples with the ethical dilemmas of conflict reporting as seen through the complex and compelling relationships between two mothers and their sons.