During 2013, Doctor Who, the world's longest running science fiction show, celebrates its 50th birthday. Published to celebrate the Doctor's anniversary, this book provides a valuable record of the Matt Smith Doctor, who arrived in 2010 and is set to bow out in this year's Christmas special.
Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger made a range of films, from "The Spy in Black" and "The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp" to "A Canterbury Tale" and "The Red Shoes". This book looks at these classic films to explore their complex relationship to national identity, and their interest in exile, borderlands, utopias, escapism, art and fantasy.
Martin Luther pinned his Ninety-Five Theses to the door of All Saints' Church in Wittenberg he shattered foundations of western Christendom. The Reformation of doctrine and practice that followed Luther's seismic action, and protest against sale of indulgences, fragmented the Church and overturned previously accepted certainties and priorities.