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    How Not to be American: Misadventures in the Land of the Free

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    ISBN: 9781908526571
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    Pub Date03/10/2013
    Publisher: Union Books
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    Todd McEwen left the United States in 1980, but it's still driving him crazy.

    'This new American uniform - the baseball cap, t-shirt, shorts and trainers (why not a scooter?) is not about looking good. It's about disappearing into a new, unofficial, global army of cultural babies. It says: I eat hamburgers and watch TV and chew gum all day I want everyone to play my game You have to be nice to me and if you're not I'm gonna shoot you I can't understand a word you say ...and what is that but American foreign policy?' Todd McEwen left the United States in 1980, but it's still driving him crazy. He worries about cheeseburgers, Cary Grant, Henry David Thoreau, democracy, the Elks Club and Daffy Duck. Join him on his acid-reflux examination of what America has come to be.