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    Handbook of Computer Crime Investigation: Forensic Tools and Technology

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    ISBN: 9780121631031
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    AuthorCasey, Eoghan
    Pub Date22/10/2001
    Publisher: Elsevier Science Publishing Co Inc
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    Helps readers learn the forensic analysis of computer systems with a three-part approach covering tools, technology, and case studies. This book provides the technical 'how to' information for collecting and analyzing digital evidence in common situations, starting with computers, moving on to networks, and culminating with embedded systems.

    Following on the success of his introductory text, Digital Evidence and Computer Crime, Eoghan Casey brings together a few top experts to create the first detailed guide for professionals who are already familiar with digital evidence. The Handbook of Computer Crime Investigation helps readers master the forensic analysis of computer systems with a three-part approach covering tools, technology, and case studies. The Tools section provides the details on leading software programs, with each chapter written by that product's creator. The section ends with an objective comparison of the strengths and limitations of each tool. The main Technology section provides the technical "how to" information for collecting and analyzing digital evidence in common situations, starting with computers, moving on to networks, and culminating with embedded systems. The Case Examples section gives readers a sense of the technical, legal, and practical challenges that arise in real computer investigations.
    The Tools section provides details of leading hardware and software The main Technology section provides the technical "how to" information for collecting and analysing digital evidence in common situations Case Examples give readers a sense of the technical, legal, and practical challenges that arise in real computer investigations