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    Guide to Writing Fantasy and Science Fiction: 6 Steps to Writing and Publishing Your Bestseller

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    ISBN: 9781440501456
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    AuthorAthans, Philip
    Pub Date18/07/2010
    Publisher: Adams Media Corporation
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    Availability: Available for despatch from the bookshop in 48 hours
    Helps writers learn how to crafting their own breakout fantasy or sci-fi novel. This guide also helps in: developing the best plot structure; creating believable, exciting characters; writing compelling combat scenes; presenting technology that sounds as if it ought to work; and, also writing a strong proposal and finding the right publisher.

    Science fiction and fantasy is one of the most challenging--and rewarding!--genres in the bookstore. But with New York Times bestselling author Philip Athans and fantasy giant R. A. Salvatore at your side, you'll create worlds that draw your readers in--and keep them reading! Just as important, you'll learn how to prepare your work for today's market. Drawing on his years of experience as one of the most acclaimed professionals in publishing, Wizards of the Coast editor Athans explains how to set your novel apart--and break into this lucrative field. From devising clever plots and building complex characters to inventing original technologies and crafting alien civilizations, Athans gives you the techniques you need to write strong, saleable narratives. Plus! Athans applies all of these critical lessons together in an unprecedented deconstruction of a never-before-published tale by the one and only R. A. Salvatore! There are books on writing science fiction and fantasy, and then there's this book--the only one you need to create strange, wonderful worlds for your own universe of readers!