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    Guide to Old Testament Prophecy

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    ISBN: 9780718891374
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    AuthorMowvley, Harry
    Pub Date10/04/2003
    Publisher: James Clarke & Co Ltd
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    An introduction to Old Testament prophecy offering an understanding of its basic principles, the background against which the prophets worked and the underlying ideal they took for granted. Mowvley explains the significance of the Word, the place of symbolic action and the meaning of such prophetic ideas as holiness and righteousness.

    An introduction to Old Testament prophecy offering an understanding of its basic principles, the background against which the prophets worked and the underlying ideal they took for granted. Mowvley explains the significance of the Word, the place of symbolic action and the meaning of such prophetic ideas as holiness and righteousness. The relationships between priest and prophet and between prophetic utterance and Wisdom literature are also brought out, so as to provide one of the best guides available to contemporary Biblical scholarship on prophecy and the prophets in the Old Testament.