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    Geographies of Children, Youth and Families

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    ISBN: 9780415563840
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    Pub Date15/12/2010
    Publisher: TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD
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    Presents an overview of the conceptual and theoretical debates, drawing upon the research from across the globe. This title is suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate students of geography, the social sciences and education.

    This edited collection brings together international experts from the vibrant and growing field of geographies of children, youth and families. Designed as an introduction to the topic, this book provides an overview of current conceptual and theoretical debates surrounding geographies of children, youth and families, and gives a wide range of examples of cutting-edge research from a variety of national contexts across the globe. The theme of 'disentangling the socio-spatial contexts of young people and/or their families' advances debates in the field by emphasising the context of young people's social agency. Geographies of Children, Youth and Families is an invaluable course text for undergraduate and postgraduate students of geography and the social sciences, as well as being of interest to students and practitioners of education, youth work, social policy, and social work.