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    Film Studies

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    ISBN: 9781904048435
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    AuthorButler, Andrew
    Pub Date05/01/2005
    Publisher: Kamera Books
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    Availability: Out of Stock
    With this book in your pocket you can gasp as directors break the 30 rule, marvel as Oedipus complexes are resolved, shudder as you become aware of your own voyeurism and discover how to tell your metteur en scene from your mise en scene. Going to the cinema may never be the same again...

    This book offers a concise introduction to the appreciation and study of film. It begins with the nuts and bolts, an examination of how films are put together - framing, performance, setting, costume and editing - and then examines a number of approaches taken to film over the last century - the auteur theory, structuralism, psychoanalysis, feminism, queer theory and so on. The last three sections offer an overview of genres, national cinemas and film movements around the world.