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    Feminist Evaluation and Research: Theory and Practice

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    ISBN: 9781462515202
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    Pub Date19/05/2014
    Publisher: Guilford Publications
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    This thought-provoking book explores the 'whats, ' 'whys, ' and 'hows' of integrating feminist theory and methods into applied research and evaluation practice.

    This thought-provoking book explores the 'whats,' 'whys,' and 'hows' of integrating feminist theory and methods into applied research and evaluation practice. Illustrative cases drawn from U.S. and international studies address a range of social and health issues. The book provides an overview of feminist theory and research strategies as well as detailed discussions of how to use a feminist lens, practical steps and challenges in implementation, and what feminist methods contribute to research and evaluation projects. Reflections at the close of each section invite the reader to consider key questions and common themes across the chapters. With a focus on social justice models, the book covers ways to conduct feminist research and evaluation in effective, innovative, and culturally competent ways in diverse social and cultural contexts.