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    Everything Changes

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    ISBN: 9781801042956
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    AuthorWelsh, Clare Helen
    Pub Date04/08/2022
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    Playing together as a family on the beach, it seems the happy, warm days of summer will never end. But then Mum and Dad say they can't live together anymore, and everything changes . . . A lyrical and tender story about the difficult emotions a child can feel when their parents break up.

    A sensitively-told story that addresses the tricky subject of divorce with care and understanding, from Clare Helen Welsh and Asa Gilland.

    Laughing and playing together as a family on the beach, it seems the happy, warm days of summer will never end. Then, everything changes. Mummy and Daddy say they can't live together anymore, and sad, worried feelings begin to emerge - It's not fair! Was it all my fault? But, as time passes and the seasons change, it becomes clearer that hard times won't always be quite so hard . . .

    A lyrical book about the difficult emotions a child can feel when their parents break up, with an optimistic message of hope and resilience. Gorgeous illustrations and an emotive colour palette perfectly capture the nuances of emotion felt by both the child and parents during a separation. Much like Pat Thomas's My Family's Changing, Claire Masurel's Two Homes and Patrice Karst's The Invisible String, Everything Changes offers a way to help children understand their feelings during big changes in their family unit.

    Also available from this author and illustrator: The Perfect Shelter