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    Employment Law Concentrate 7ed: Law Revision and Study Guide

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    ISBN: 9780198871323
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    AuthorJefferson, Michael (Senior Lecturer, Uni
    Pub Date06/08/2021
    Publisher: O.U.P.
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    Availability: Available for despatch from the bookshop in 48 hours
    Employment Law Concentrate is written and designed to help you succeed. Accurate and reliable, Concentrate guides go above and beyond, not only consolidating your learning but focusing your revision and maximising your potential.

    Employment Law Concentrate is written and designed to help you succeed. Written by experts and covering all key topics, Concentrate guides go above and beyond, not only consolidating your learning but focusing your revision and maximising your exam performance. Each guide includes revision tips, advice on how to achieve extra marks, and a thorough and focused breakdown of the key topics and cases.

    Revision guides you can rely on: trusted by lecturers, loved by students...

    "The Concentrate books are my favourite revision guides as the quality of the information is always more comprehensive than others." Carly Hatchard, law student, University of Bolton

    "The Concentrate structure is extremely good, it makes it so much easier to revise ... no key information is left out, it's a great series." Emma Wainwright, law student, Oxford Brookes University

    "I have always used OUP revision and Q&A books and genuinely believe they have helped me get better grades" - Anthony Poole, law student, Swansea University

    "The detail in this revision textbook is phenomenal and is just what is needed to push your exam preparation to the next level" - Stephanie Lomas, law student, University of Central Lancashire

    "It is a little more in-depth than other revision guides, and also has clear diagrams and teaches ways to obtain extra marks. These features make it unique" - Godwin Tan, law student, University College London

    "The exam style questions are brilliant and the series is very detailed, prepares you well" - Frances Easton, law student, University of Birmingham

    "The accompanying website for Concentrate is the most impressive I've come across" - Alice Munnelly, law student, King's College London

    Digital formats and resources
    The seventh edition is available for students and institutions to purchase in a variety of formats, and is supported by extensive online resources to take your learning further (

    The e-book offers a mobile experience and convenient access along with functionality tools, navigation features, and links that offer extra learning support:

    The online resources include:
    - advice on revision and exam technique from experienced examiner Nigel Foster;
    - a diagnostic test to help you pinpoint areas to focus your revision on;
    - interactive glossary and key cases to help you revise key terminology, facts, and principles;
    - multiple choice questions to test your knowledge; and
    - outline answers to questions in the book.