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    Advanced Control Engineering

    £39.59 £43.99
    Provides a course in control engineering for undergraduates of various technical disciplines. With a basic overview of elementary control theory, this text focuses on examination of advanced aspects such as robust and intelligent control, including neural networks and genetic algorithms. It includes real life case studies and problems.

    Chemical Engineering Volume 1: Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer and Mass Transfer

    £51.29 £56.99
    This volume covers the three main transport processes of interest to chemical engineers - momentum transfer (fluid flow), heat transfer, and mass transfer - and the relationships between them. The concluding chapter covers an application where each of these processes is occurring simultaneously.

    Principles and Practices for the Safe Processing of Foods

    £26.99 £29.99
    Reflecting increased consumer awareness this volume describes the procedures for the processing of foods. It combines the analysis of management techniques and technical issues with the representation of microbiological data.

    The Practice of Management

    £29.69 £32.99
    This classic volume achieves a remarkable width of appeal without sacrificing scientific accuracy or depth of analysis. It is a valuable contribution to the study of business efficiency which should be read by anyone wanting information about the developments and place of management, and it is as relevant today as when it was first written.

    Visitor Management

    £43.19 £47.99
    Presents a collection of case studies taken from cultural World Heritage Sites. Using examples of significant archaeological and architectural legacies, this book identifies the problems involved with site management. It shows models of good practice, looking at the functions of the organizations involved and the range of variation among sites.


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