Steers a clear path through the main arguments in this most difficult ethical maze. While providing a balanced account of the issues involved, makes a distinctive contribution to the debate and reaches some possibly surprising conclusions.
In Dear Pope Francis, Pope Francis gives them that chance and celebrates their spiritual depth by directly answering questions from children around the world. A beautiful hardback book full of life and joy and colour - the perfect gift for Christenings and Confirmations and for children or adults of all ages!
The Inclusive Church Resources aim to educate, to reflect theologically and to provide practical advice and guidance. Each book contains first-hand personal experiences of people from the marginalised group, a theological reflection and a resource section containing addresses, websites and practical advice on improving your church's inclusivity.
What is the meaning of the Christian Faith? What is the Church? What does it mean to be a Christian, a Jesuit? This book will make you reflect deeply and laugh aloud; a unique blend of spiritual perception and hard-headed worldly wisdom.