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    Creative Writing in the Community: A Guide

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    ISBN: 9781441111944
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    AuthorThaxton, Terry Ann
    Pub Date07/11/2013
    Publisher: CONTINUUM
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    Creative Writing in the Community is the first book to focus on the practical side of creative writing.
    Connecting classroom experiences to community-based projects, it prepares creative writing students for teaching in schools, homeless centers, youth clubs and care homes.

    Each chapter is packed with easy-to-use resources including: specific lesson plans; case studies of students working with community groups; lists of suitable writing examples; "how to..." sections; examples and theoretical applications of creative writing pedagogy and techniques; reflection questions; writings by workshop participants.

    Enhanced by contributions from directors,students and teachers at successful public programs, Creative Writing in the Community is more than an essential guide for students on creative writing courses and leaders of community-based learning programs; it is practical demonstration of the value of art in society.