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    Company Law 9ed

    Price-Match is available in-store for recommended titles in CCCU module handbooks
    ISBN: 9781352010008
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    AuthorDine, Janet
    Pub Date23/04/2020
    Publisher: Bloomsbury Academic
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    Ideal for students taking a module in company law, the book includes learning resources throughout such as key terms and concepts, helpful summaries for each chapter, case notes and suggestions for further reading.

    The new edition of this popular textbook offers an in-depth analysis of the legal framework in which companies operate. Updated with the latest developments in law and case-law, it goes beyond black letter analysis to explain important concepts such as corporate governance and multinational corporations in an international context. Logically structured, the writers' clear writing style help students understand this complex area of the law.

    Ideal for students taking a module in company law, the book includes learning resources throughout such as key terms and concepts, helpful summaries for each chapter, case notes and suggestions for further reading. Informative end-of-chapter summaries and exercises act as a useful refresher.