The 1916 Irish Rebellion is the companion book to a three-part documentary series to be broadcast worldwide in 2016. Narrated by Liam Neeson, the documentary, entitled "1916 The Irish Rebellion," and its related seventy-minute version are initiatives of the Keough-Naughton Institute for Irish Studies at the University of Notre Dame.
The Irish Novel 1960-2010 is the first book to study how the novel has been involved in discussing the seeds of change and the response to change as it evolved. The result is a wide-ranging survey, accessible and rewarding for both the student and the general public.
This book, aimed at the general reader, is the first full-length biography of George Boole (1815 - 1864) who has been variously described as the founder of pure mathematics, father of computer science and discoverer of symbolic logic.
The fiftieth anniversary of the Easter Rising has been held responsible for everything from the outbreak of conflict in Northern Ireland to the alienation of an entire generation in the Republic of Ireland. This book examines the myths behind the most elaborate commemoration of the Rising to date.