Introduces such charecters as the stern but kindly Great Uncle Bulgaria; Orinoco, who is particularly fond of his food and a subsequent forty winks; and, general handyman extraordinaire Tobermory, who can turn almost anything that the Wombles retrieve from Wimbledon Common into something useful.
Thomas Middleton's intense study of betrayal, corruption, lust and violence, "Women Beware Women", is one of the revenge tragedies most commonly studied and performed. This guide offers an introduction to its critical and performance history, including notable stage productions, TV, audio and film versions and dramatic and text adaptations.
This text is part of the New Mermaid" series of modern spelling, fully-annotated editions of English plays. Each volume includes a critical introduction, biography of the author, discussions of dates and sources, textual details, a bibliography and information about the staging of the play."
Looks at various sorts and conditions of women from c500 to c1500 AD, focusing on common experiences over their life-cycle, and the contrasts derived from their position in the social hierarchy. This book shows how, in bringing up their children and balancing family and work, medieval women faced many of the problems of their modern counterparts.
A two-play edition featuring Anthony Neilson's companion plays, The Wonderful World of Dissocia and Realism, both produced by the National Theatre of Scotland. The text is published to coincide with the National Theatre of Scotland's extensive tour of Dissocia from February til June 2007.