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    Achieving quality in community health care nursing

    Price-Match is available in-store for recommended titles in CCCU module handbooks
    ISBN: 9780333646915
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    AuthorMason, Carolyn
    Pub Date29/01/1997
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    The application of a variety of quality approaches to commissioning, management and practice in community health care nursing is illustrated in this work. It provides a critical appraisal of quality models before considering quality issues relating to consumer feedback and the contracting process.

    This book illustrates the application of a variety of quality approaches to commissioning, management and practice. It provides a critical appraisal of quality models before considering quality issues relating to consumer feedback and the contracting process. There is a practical guide to using the Dynamic Quality Improvement System, as well as chapters on achieving quality in specific situations. Whilst acknowledging the expertise of community nurses, the book challenges them to find and use the most appropriate quality approaches and tools for their specific area. The Series Community care is an area of constant and dynamic change. New Problems need to be addressed as new and different issues arise. The Community Health Care Series provides clear, informed and practical statements on some of the key issues and problems. The volumes are designed to address topical aspects where no satisfactory text exists. The Series Editor, David Sines, PhD, BSc(Hons), RMN, RNMH, PGCTHE, RNT, FRCN, is Professor of Community Health Care Nursing and Head of the School of Health Sciences at the University of Ulster.