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    Accident and Emergency Radiology: A Survival Guide 3ed

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    ISBN: 9780702042324
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    AuthorRABY NIGEL
    Pub Date15/11/2012
    Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
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    DepartmentFaculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care
    Suitable for all those who work in the Emergency Department, this book offers step-by-step analytical approaches which help them to answer this question: "These images look normal to me, but... how can I be sure that I am not missing a subtle but important abnormality?"

    Since it was first published, Accident and Emergency Radiology: A Survival Guide has become the classic in-my-pocket-reference and an indispensable aid to all those who work in the Emergency Department. The core and substantial value lies in the step-by-step analytical approaches which help you to answer this question: "These images look normal to me, but can I be sure that I am not missing a subtle but important abnormality?" "This book will provide essential reading and support to A&E trainees, medical students, radiology trainees, reporting radiographers and clinical nurse specialists, all of whom may be faced with trauma cases requiring accurate diagnosis and treatment." Reviewed by: RAD Magazine Feb 2015 "...Very nearly flawless...contains just the right amount of information to accommodate readers from trainees through to consultant or attending level." Reviewed by African Journal of Emergency Medicine , Jun 2015