For the first time, a Nightingale nurses novel set during the First World War. As young men queue up across the country to enlist, the Nightingale Hospital has its own set of new recruits...Anna has had a happy upbringing in her parent's bakery in Bethnal Green.
THE BRAND NEW NIGHTINGALES NOVELBY SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR DONNA DOUGLAS***It's Christmas, 1945. As rehearsals begin however, it seems the show isn't just a tonic for the patients - could the Nightingale Christmas Show be just what the doctor ordered for the nurses too?
Passion, deception, an unexplained death and a detective with quite a lot to hide lie at the heart of Anthony Horowitz's brilliant new murder mystery, the second in the bestselling series starring Private Investigator Daniel Hawthorne.
All the gallantry, villainy and elegance of the age that Georgette Heyer has so triumphantly made her own are exquisitely revived in these wonderfully romantic stories of the Regency period. Georgette Heyer achieves what the rest of us aspire to.' Katie Fforde'My favourite historical novelist - stylish, romantic, sharp and witty.
After Thrawn is rescued from exile by Imperial soldiers, his deadly ingenuity and keen tactical abilities swiftly capture the attention of Emperor Palpatine. Just as quickly, Thrawn proves to be as indispensable to the Empire as he is ambitious; as devoted as its loyal servant, Anakin Skywalker; and a brilliant warrior never to be underestimated.