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    A Critical Introduction to Sport Psychology 3ed

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    ISBN: 9781138999978
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    AuthorMoran, Aidan (Aidan passed as see SF cas
    Pub Date24/02/2017
    Publisher: ROUTLEDGE
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    Availability: Available for despatch from the bookshop in 48 hours
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    DepartmentFaculty of Science, Engineering and Social Science
    A Critical Introduction to Sport Psychology is the only textbook available that not only provides a detailed overview of the key theories and concepts within the discipline, but also a critical perspective that examines and challenges these core foundations.

    The new third edition of A Critical Introduction to Sport Psychology is the only textbook in the field that provides a detailed overview of key theories, concepts and findings within the discipline of sport psychology, as well as a critical perspective that examines and challenges these core foundations.

    Fully revised and updated, the new edition covers key research findings affecting both participation and performance in sport, including topics such as motivation, anxiety, emotional coping, concentration, mental imagery, expertise and team cohesion. In addition, the book includes a range of helpful features that bring the science to life, including critical thinking exercises, suggestions for student projects and new "In the spotlight" boxes that highlight key advances in theory or practice. A comprehensive glossary is also included, whilst a final chapter examines some new horizons in sport psychology, including embodied cognition and socio-cultural perspectives.

    Sport is played with the body but often won in the mind; that is the theory. A Critical Introduction to Sport Psychology is the definitive textbook for anyone wishing to engage critically with this fascinating idea.