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    50 Fantastic Ideas for Science Outdoors

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    ISBN: 9781408186800
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    Pub Date24/10/2013
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    The 50 Fantastic Things series is a no nonsense, ideas bank frills, just 50 examples of great ideas already in practice! Ideal for the busy practitioner they offer a 'dip in' approach to accessing ideas that they may not have thought of. Simple inspiring ideas is just what they need to reignite their enthusiasm.

    The outdoor environment offers access to unique opportunities to explore and discover the world around us with the weather and nature constantly enhancing each and every learning experience. The benefits of outdoor learning are accepted world wide and the need to plan for experiences across the curriculum is as important to practitioners as ever. 50 Fantastic Ideas for Science Outdoors offers lots of practical ways to incorporate early science skills and knowledge within other areas of learning the book is written as a recipe type step-by-step guide to 50 exciting ideas. For practitioners looking to develop their outdoor learning provision or those just seeking a quick exciting idea to refresh an existing area, this book offers loads of clear and concise activities to help. Showing how early science is a truly multisensory exploration of the world the author has tried to show how good practice can be developed on even the tightest of budgets.